Trying Passive Meditation techniques for the first time

Have you ever felt that your life is like a speed - train without brakes? Have you had a feeling of being on a way to a direction you do not really have control over?
Or maybe you can recall a feeling of being stuck, not being able to move forward. Watching the lives of people around you go on, while you feel like frozen, not being able to make any change?
I know, I have. I know the feeling of being exactly the kind of person everybody expects me to be. Doing the kind of job, everybody expects me to do. Choosing the kind of clothes, everybody expects me to wear. Making only decisions, everybody knows I would make. I even remember myself allowing my dreams to fly only as far as it was expected of me.
Not anymore. That WAS me, but this IS NOT me anymore.
The first step to making a change is to stop and allow yourself to think, what You really want in your life.
And I felt - it was an impossible question to answer. It was an unimaginable question to answer, as long as I was on my "speed - train" of life, expectancies, responsibilities and countless distractions on daily basis.
That was when I felt the need to find something, that would help me to jump out of the "Speed - train" of life. Something that would help me to stop, think and evaluate my life.
Who am I as a person? (not who other people around me think I am)
Who am I?
Why do I live the way I live? Have I chosen it or have I just floated around without a direction?
What is my passion?
What gives me joy?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
Where do all my beliefs come from? Are they really mine? Or do they come from my family, culture, environment?
What do I actually believe in?
What are my values?
Where do all my emotions come from?
How do I create the kind of feelings and emotions I desire?
How do I create a life I desire?
I found a special tool that helps me to calm my mind, stop and think, step out of "the speed-train"of life and take the "steering - wheel" into my own hands.
I found the magic of MEDITATION through The Silva Ultramind System. It sounded silly even to myself! I never considered myself a "mediatation" or "mindfulness" material. In fact - I have always been so active and impatient, that it seemed a torture to me to imagine myself sitting in a lotus position, listening to relaxational melodies trying to persuade my racing mind to stop and relax :)
As it turned out - there is actually neither need to sit in a lotus position, nor a necessity to listen to some kind of melody.
There is a quite simple system of several methods for calming my mind, paying attention to my body here and now, clearing the mind from all the distractions around me and reaching my INNER CENTER.
I was amazed! After only two first days of learning meditation (and I was far from perfect in it back then), I felt a fascinating change in me!
* I started having the best quality of sleep at night. I had not slept so well in ages!
* I started feeling energized, highly motivated during the day
* I started feeling a huge energy boost, that kept my energy levels high all day long
* I felt more present here and now, almost as if I had woken up from an auto - pilot mode I have been in for a long, long time.
* I felt at peace, more in control of my emotions and reaction to different situations.
Mediation improves my sleep - quality.
Meditation reduces stress.
Meditation makes me calmer.
Meditation makes me more energized and motivated.
Meditation makes me more productive.
Meditation makes me a better version of myself every day.
If you are interested in improving your quality of sleep, reduce stress, become more energetic and motivated and become an even better version of yourself, feel free to contact me.
I consider it my responsibility to share my experience and knowledge to help as many people as possible.
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