A path of personal transformation

I once read that we, as average human beings, use only about 7% of our mind potential. Only 7% out of 100%! It is hard to believe!
On the other hand, there are people in this world, who have overcome the numbers of statistics. We usually consider them as geniuses, extraordinary, gifted, talented or "chosen" ones, because their abilities, intuition and their power of mind have helped them to achieve far more in their lives than an average person does.
Truth to be told - we all have been created equal. All of us have a huge potential of growth in us. The most important question is - how much are we willing to grow?
I set a goal to myself - to step out of the 7% and reach for more.
In this blog I will share experience of my Personal Transformation. It is an affirmation to myself. Who knows - maybe my experience will serve as a source of positive inspiration to someone else out there :)
"Every day, in every way I get better, better and better." (Jose Silva, the creator of "The Silva Ultramind System")
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