Feeling Purpose in day-to-day life

Published on 13 November 2023 at 11:57

A Yale professor, Amy Wrzesnieski, in her research discovered that people could be divided into three categories regarding their work orientation.

  1. The first group mostly saw their work as a JOB. They were focused on financial rewards and necessity rather than pleasure or fulfillment. Work was not a positive part of their life. The only motivation was a paycheck and weekends. Expectation - nothing much. The way of thinking - "Thank God it's Friday!"

  2. The second group saw their work as a CAREER. Their motivation was promotion and a pay raise. Every step of the way, calculating which step would get them higher on a career/social/power/influence/prestige ladder.

  3. The third group of people saw their work as a CALLING. Their motivation was the work itself. They saw purpose and meaning in their work. They truly believed that their work matters, that their work is important and is a part of a BIGGER PICTURE. Their motivation - fulfillment, purpose, meaning, incorporated values, passion to make a positive change.

The interesting aspect was that people from all kinds of professions fell into all three categories. There were highly paid doctors, businessmen, and lawyers in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd categories. Similarly, there were janitors, shop assistants, and street cleaners in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd categories. The research results showed that it does not matter what kind of work we do. How good and happy we are at our work depends on our attitude. We decide what kind of category we choose to belong to. This applies not only to work but also to being a parent, husband, wife, friend, or colleague.

You can choose to see your role as a JOB because you have to play the role. You can choose to see your role as a CAREER because it's a wise investment that will benefit you at some point in life. Or you can choose to see your role as a CALLING because you truly appreciate, cherish, and see the meaning in your role as a parent, husband, wife, friend, or colleague.

Of course, not every day, not every moment can we be a CALLING person in all fields of our lives. BUT - it's up to you to choose who you are going to be for the most part of your everyday life - a JOB, CAREER, or CALLING person?

If you are an employer, consider - how many of your employees are JOB, CAREER, or CALLING-oriented individuals? If you have colleagues, think - how many of them are JOB, CAREER, or CALLING people? And your family members? Friends? Who do they choose to be in everyday life?


The CALLING-oriented individuals feel meaning, purpose, and importance in their lives and tend to be happier, more positive, and more caring. They contribute to a more compassionate society, fostering a more positive work, family, and friendship environment.

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Sapha sajel
a year ago

Wow! This blog post is truly eye-opening. I had never really thought about work orientations before, but now I see how important it is to have a calling-oriented mindset. I'm definitely going to start focusing on the intrinsic rewards of my work.

Thank you so much for sharing this! It has really changed my perspective on work and life.